Sunday, 29 November 2009


in moderation, is hugely underrated.

Manchester Museum

This is a part of my univeristy buildings, I can't think of a better way to spend spare mintures between lectures. Skeletons, mummies, taxidermy...The photos are awful, sorry.


This is in the window of an art cafe in the Northern Quarter of Manchester. The exhibition 'Undercover', displays the work of embroidery graduates from Manchester Metropolitan. The cafe, Nexus, is slightly smelly and serves things like jacket potatoes and watery cappucinos, but I'm told it's real cool. The exhibition is scattered around the the cafe, amongst cracked leather sofas and hanging from the ceiling. Its pretty bad, but I thought this was quite effective.

Graham Sutherland

Saw this in a newspaper magazine today. I don't really know anything about Graham apart from that this is pretty great.

Somerset Maugham, Graham Sutherland,1949
Seems pretty modern for a painting of 1949.

what a fox

christmas lights

give the living room the same glare as the top deck of a nightbus

Thursday, 26 November 2009


No sunshine for weeks... I almost don't trust colour exists


I'm writing an essay on the Sublime. It started off being quite interesting, but after working for five hours straight yesterday with a friend in my kitchen which was freezing and smelt like onion mixed with golden virginia, the enjoyment is kind of wearing off.

Gordale Scar, James Ward. 1812-1814

Monk by the Sea, Casper David Friedrich. 1808-1810

Snow storm - Steamer off a Harbour's Mouth, Turner. 1809.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

bad boob jobs

However incredible Michelangelo's sculpture was his depictions of the female body are torturously ugly.

bristol sun

First time Bristol, the puddle of the south, has seen the sun in months. It only lasted for five minutes early on sunday morning before the clouds descended but it was really great.

I met a boy called rich with great teeth

milk snatcher


This is by far the prettiest building on the street tucked away and unused while the closest public toilet is a fifteen minute walk away and bears more than a passing resemblance to trainspotting's worst toilet in the world. The sole lightbulb looks down stairs of gritty cracked tiles and hosts a congregation of Bristol's least desirable characters.


Anything but the reading means drawing Gadaffi and colouring in Biggie.

Monday, 16 November 2009

fortune telling parrot

Joseph Cornell, 1937-38
Not as good as Istanbul, but still pretty great.

Max Ernst

Attirement of The Bride, 1940

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Modern Life

is 'nothing more than a vital energy, the will to love and to power, swimming in a sea of disorder, anarchy, destruction, individual alienation and despair.’
Thanks Nietzsche.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


Elephant and Castle

Friendly boarded up housing estate. A haven for the homeless or squat party promoters to be sure


One not to be missed. You can buy gems like these

Fortune Teller

So you pay this man 3 Lira, which is actually loads (£1.50) and he says 'What your name' and you tell him, then he says 'Chicken or rabbit' and you say rabbit(or chicken), and then he pulls out a draw with loads of little bits of paper in all folded up. Then he says to the rabbit, 'for (and says your name)' and holds the tray infront of the rabbit, and then rabbit picks a bit of paper from a tray of hundreds. And that, is your fortune. Mine said I had an important decision to make on monday. The guy had only 3 teeth, and they were all wobbly. I love Istanbul.
This is the ticket for the ferry

And these are the original harem pants

new term grim north

Top of the road

New hang out in the peaks

Better than the west country, scallys eat sweets too
And in Stockport...